King’s Army whitelisting event
The time has come for Kings to stand strong and lead troops to victory. Will you be one of the lucky ones to have a king by your side ?
King’s Army whitelisting event will become live right now so pick up yours sword and conquer the lands after completing the proper task.
Please complete the following task to take part in the whitelisting event :
1) Please Fill in this forum
2) Please follow our Twitter.
3) Please follow our Telegram
4) Please invite 25 players into our discord server. “Remember to generate your own invite link!”
5) Please stay active within the discord server so that you will be able to accumulate points for respective ranks “Kings Army Count , King’s Army Young Lord, King’s Army Lord, King’s Army Young King , King’s Army King”
By completing the task above with “King’s Army Count” role will earn you one tickets that will be drawn during the whitelisting ballot.
By completing the task above with 50 players into our discord server with “King’s Army Count” role will earn you two tickets that will be drawn during the whitelisting ballot.
By completing the task above with 100 players into our discord server with “Kings’s Army Young King” role will earn you 100% spot in the whitelisting event!
@everyone End date. March 4th 2022 #bnb #p2e #nftgames #crypto